Events, Articles

Replacing more Boards in 2024

We are grateful for our volunteers who worked hard carrying the boards over to the boardwalk, removing the old boards that showed too much wear, and fitting new boards in. They were a good team. next time we are out walking on the Wetland Trail, we will remember the volunteers who worked to make it safer.  Thank you.

Repairing the Boardwalk

A group of hardworking volunteers and two GSC staff met on June 28th to remove 80 old pieces of boardwalk and replace them with new, sturdy boards.  To see more photos from the event go to Project Photos






Friends of Hibou aim to keep the Interpretive Trail open and as safe as possible.  Given that it is offering us a place to walk through an area of Wetland, it is understandable that the water is going to have an impact on the trail. Walkers must be prepared for wet spots.  The boardwalk and graveled areas help keep the trail as walkable as possible.


photos by Don Sankey



Hibou News, Winter 2022

Happy Winter,

Things tend to be a bit quieter now, at least until we have enough snow for snowshoeing or skiing. While we remain uncertain regarding what the winter will bring in terms of restrictions, you do know that Hibou is there for you to venture out of doors enjoying nature while still staying healthy.

This Newsletter is shorter but just as important. We look forward to any responses. We hope you enjoy the holiday season, respecting all the many different ways that people celebrate.

Click on the link below to open the Newsletter. Feel free to share it as you wish.

Hibou News Sept 2021

Hopefully the Newsletter will appear in a more readable format. Thank you for your patience. I have been away from WordPress for a while and it seems to have changed.

In case there are still some glitches, I am sharing with you the guided hike schedule from the Newsletter.

Together with Grey Sauble Conservation, Friends of Hibou are
again offering guided hikes/walks this fall. More may be offered
later in the season depending on weather and Covid so watch our
web site and Face Book page.

Sept 20 Monday 10:00am till 12:00 Adapted Forest bathing
walk with Marie Knapp
Sept 30 Thursday 9:30 till 12:00 A guided hike on the
Interpretive Trail with Bob Knapp
Oct 7 Thursday 9:30 till 12:00 A guided hike on the Interpretive
trail with Barry Lewin

All hikes will begin at the parking lot by the Pump House at the
Southern entrance to the trails. Covid Restrictions will be followed.
Please have a mask handy and keep a safe distance from others.
Please Register for scheduled hikes:

Guided Hike on Hibou Interpretive Trail

Join Bob Knapp for an informative hike on the the Interpretive Trail. Learn more about the trail from the person who inspired and worked hard in its remaking. Plus you will see the beginning signs of spring.

Join Bob Knapp for an informative hike on the Interpretive Trail. Learn more about the trail from the person who inspired and worked hard in its remaking. Plus you will see the beginning signs of spring.

When: Tuesday March 16th 1pm till 3pm (weather forecast looks good so far)

Where: meet at the pump house parking lot southern end of Hibou

Details: be prepared for wet areas. Boots and hiking poles would be helpful

YOU MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE. Click here to register

Grey Souble Conservation Job Opportunities: contract and summer jobs.

Employment Opportunities:

Field Assistant – Eight Month Contract, Full-Time

Summer Jobs:

Conservation Areas Parks Maintenance

Conservation Areas Customer Service Representative/Maintenance

Tree Planter

Water Resources Technician 

Day Camp Supervisor 

Day Camp Assistant Supervisor 

Day Camp Leader (2 positions) 

Volunteer Opportunities:

Eugenia Falls Park Ambassador 

Inglis Falls Park Ambassador 

Spirit Rock Park Ambassador